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Roger Flitter

Roger has always enjoyed drawing  and painting from childhood.  Now retired from aerospace and marine management roles he devotes much time to artwork.

He enjoys working in a variety of media and subjects including boats, harbours and estuaries, animal portraits, vintage aircraft and even derelict tractors!

Over more recent years he has contributed to a number of exhibitions  and, through word of mouth, has undertaken commissions from UK and the USA.

Roger Flitter BEM


ation, even if it leads to abstraction. Art, being artificial by definition, cannot equal nature's infinite abundance, where beauty is always present. Even in disasters, death and decay nature reveals signs of rebirth, recovery hope and magnificence. It is such (often hidden beauty), not prettiness, which I am looking for and often find missing in contemporary art. I agree with Matisse, who said "my choice of colour does not rest on any scientific theory; it is based on observation, on feeling, on the very nature of each experience.

Major Solo Shows: 2 x Berlin; 2 x Osnabrück; 1 x London; 2 x Cape Town 

Acquisitions: Friends of Modern Museum of Fine Arts, Caracas, Venezuela;  Art Collection of Palace Museum Valetta (Ecumenical Seat of Knights of Malta); Menzel & Menzel, Berlin; Biscuit Mill Gallery, Cape Town;  Clare Park Hospital, Surrey; Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford; Diva Gallery, Odiham Surrey and private  collectors in Germany, UK, S-Africa and USA

View more of my work on: www.fcsaonline.org.uk + www.chertseyartists.co.uk

the attention of Lindsay Goolding-Berry (as previously advised) - I am attaching my imput for the FS website. Many thanks for your assistance... Kindly confirm this is ok and enough info..