Artist & Tutor Mark Warner will be joining us via Zoom for an exciting evening filled with a Seascape demonstration and tutorial in Acrylic.
Mark Warner – Artist and Tutor
Mark is an experienced practicing artist and tutor based in Shropshire, United Kingdom.
Sketching is at the heart of his work. It is integral to the development of a piece, sometimes forming part of the painting itself.
He continues to draw inspiration from the landscape and adores using colour while interpreting the light, contrast, weather and a love of the materials.
He runs painting workshops as well as tutoring painting holidays in UK, France and Italy.
Demonstrations and talks to Art clubs & societies throughout the UK are becoming increasingly popular.
Mark has developed his passion for both Landscapes and Seascapes while growing up on the West Wales coast. Moving to the rolling hills of Shropshire has enabled him to experiment with colour, light and line further.
Mark has numerous works in private collections and galleries in both England and Wales and further afield.
Please find below an image I will be using for the Zoom demo on the 15th Nov and suggested materials.
I will work in acrylics.
Important colours.... Cerulean Blue, Prussian Blue, White, Naples Yellow, Burnt umber, Crimson, Turquoise.
Other colours ... cad red, orange, yellow ochre and any others you have.
I will be working on Blue pastel paper but you can work on canvas which is fine.
Soft synthetic brushes if you have them, not stiff oil brushes. A flat brush approx size 16, a rigger brush approx size 1 other soft brushes if you have them.
Water pot and rag.
Zoom link will be emailed to members nearer the time.