Farnham Art Society Logo

The Farnham Public Art Trust

Farnham Art Society is proud to be associated with the Farnham Public Art Trust.

It was founded by Major Bryan Sell MBE when he was mayor of Farnham in 1995.

The new Farnham Public Art Trust website is now up and running at https://farnhampublicarttrust.org.uk.  

It is very simple and accessible, with photographs and information about projects completed by the Trust in its 27 years of existence.

A selection of existing public art in Farnham is also included, a link to the town council’s publication “Farnham Public Art Trail”, and a list of links to other arts-related organisations. 

The site will be updated monthly with latest news.  


Society Membership

Become a member and join our exciting monthly demonstrations or take part in one of our workshops for just £30 a year. Click on the button to set up membership or if you prefer directly contact our membership secretary Jennifer Bain Wright via email jandebain@gmail.com

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