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AGM Minutes

Minutes of Farnham Art Society AGM

Held at St Joan’s Church Hall, Farnham

Oct 10, 2022

1. Opening

The Chairman, Jan Hamilton, welcomed everyone and declared the meeting open at 7pm.


2. Present

Diana Ashcroft, Jennifer Bain, Helen Barker, Lisa Bartlett, Ria Cornall, Carolyn Freeman, Chris Hall, Jan Hamilton, Nick Hithersay, Ronnie Ireland, Monica Leeson-Earle, Lorraine Mills, Bob Milton, Richard Oswald, Emma Ratcliffe, Alison Ridgeon, Rukeyah Sturgeon, Alan Wallis


3. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from: Patty Burt, Eric Carpenter, Russell Bignold, Veronica Jeans, Lizzie Crawford, Niki Hearnshaw, Anna Shutt, Kit Bowles, Fleur Robinson, Jodie Hunt, Roger Flitter, Ian Wattridge, Colette Moscati, Maureen Hall, Gabrielle Summerhays, Cheryl Jarvis, Jackie Rennie, David Wright, Alexandra Jill Smith, Bernice Grundy


4. Approval of minutes

The minutes from the previous AGM 2021 were approved. There were no matters arising.


5. Reports

5.i. The Chairman’s report was presented by Jan Hamilton:

5.i.a JH listed the main demos and workshops held in the membership year so far including:

  • Sep 2021 Malcolm West

  • Nov 2021 Mark Warner

  • Dec 2021 AGM

  • Mar 2022 Peter Keegan

  • April 2022 Life drawing (Flamenco and Guitarist)

  • May 2022 Ronnie Ireland talk on Francis Bacon

  • June 2022 Mark Warner

  • Aug 2022 Rick Holmes

5.i.b. The Annual Exhibition was held at Farnham House Hotel, June 2022.

5.i.c. The selection process for exhibiting status was reinstated at the above and resulted in an additional 30 exhibiting status artists.

5.i.d. Art on the Railings, The Maltings, Farnham, was held every Saturday between May and October with additional dates to take place in November and December 2022, depending on the weather.

5.i.e. The FAS Annual Art Exhibition 2023 will be held at Weydon School, Farnham, between May 27 and June 4, 2023.


5.ii The Treasurer’s report was presented by Chris Hall:

5.ii.a. CH submitted a financial statement in lieu of fully audited accounts, which are not yet available.

5.ii.b. CH covered:

  • Membership figures and income from subscriptions

  • Income from investments

  • Income from Art on the Railings, the Annual Exhibition and workshops

  • Outgoings for the Annual Exhibition, resulting in an (expected) loss, mainly due to the high cost of the venue and the cost of the Surrey Open Studio listing

  • An uncashed cheque and membership subs still to be recovered

  • Admin costs

  • CH reported that FAS finances were in a healthy position, although we could not continue to experience losses in 2023.


5. iii. The Membership Secretary’s report was presented by Helen Barker:

5.iii.a. HB reported that she was still chasing membership payments. Some members have not renewed but others have joined, including two Ukrainians.

5.iii.b. HB listed new members: Colette Moscati Quinn, Gabrielle Summerhays, Roger Flitter, Valerie Eason, Christine Banat, Martyn Kee, Kim De Luce, Lynne Thomson, Jodie Hunt, Jane Alexander, Toni Allman, Fleur Robinson, Melanie Cooper, Anna Shutt, Russell Bignold, Annable Sommerfelt


5.iv. The Programme Secretary’s report was presented by Lisa Bartlett:

5.viii.a. LB reported that she would be booking the programme of workshops and evening demonstrations for the period until July 2023.

5.viii.b. During the months of Jan/Feb/March demos would be carried out on Zoom.

5.viii.c. Workshops take place at Long Sutton village hall. No workshops have been booked yet and LB asked for suggestions.


6. Constitutional changes

There were no constitutional changes.


7. Election of Committee

7. i. Chairman – Jan Hamilton will continue as Chairman until a replacement comes forward.

7.ii. Vice Chairman – no nominations were received; currently vacant.

7.iii. Honorary Secretary - Lorraine Mills was proposed and duly appointed.

7.iv. Honorary Treasurer - Chris Hall will continue.

7.v. Honorary Membership Secretary - Helen Barker will continue.

7.vi. Honorary Exhibitions Coordinator – no nominations were received; currently vacant but it was noted that there are people willing to do the work but not assume titles.

7.vii. Honorary Programme Secretary – Lisa Bartlett to continue until July 2023 when she will step down. No nominations to succeed her were received.

7.viii Salvin Event Manager - Chris Hall will continue.

7.ix 3D Coordinator - Alan Wallis will continue.

7.x Website/publicity - Nick Holmes will continue.

7.xi Art on the Railings - Stewart Dakers will continue.


8. AOB

There was no other business.


9. Close

JH declared the meeting was closed.

Society Membership

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