Minutes of Farnham Art Society
Annual General Meeting 2023
Held by Zoom
February 26, 2024 6.30pm
Jennifer Bain, Lisa Bartlett, Stewart Dakers, Armando Guatieri, Jan Hamilton, Lorraine Mills, Rich Shenton, Mandy Smith, Diana Snow and others (17 in all)
1.a. Welcome
Chair, Jan Hamilton, welcomed everybody to the Annual General Meeting.
1.b. Apologies
Apologies were received from Christine Bell, Eric Carpenter, Gillian Devine, Chris Hall, Ronnie Ireland, Sean Kennedy, Sallie Roles, Howard Arthur Tweedie, Alan Wallis.
1.c. Minutes for previous AGM 2022 approved and matters arising
The minutes for the previous AGM 2022 were approved. There were no matters arising.
1.d. Chairman’s Report
The Chair, Jan Hamilton, reviewed the year ending August 31, 2023. She highlighted demonstrations by Mark Warner, Ronnie Kingston, Roger Dellar, Jim Power, Peter Keegan, Fatima Pantoja and Graham Marks, workshops by Rodney Kingston and a painting day at Christine Bells’ home and garden.
1.e. Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of the Treasurer, the Chair, Jan Hamilton, read out the Treasurer’s Report, highlights of which are listed below.
CH apologised for the fact that the accounts had not been signed off. This was due to having to change auditors.
FAs of August 2023 FAS has 219 members of which 20 are Associates and one an Honorary (Eric Carpenter)
As of August 31, 2023, total assets, including creditors, were £105,372, an increase of £3,375 over 2022/23.
Income for the year was £20,468 taking into account subscriptions, the summer exhibition, Art on the Railings (offset by a donation of £500 to Farnham Town Council), workshops and dividends from investments.
Total expenditure, including costs of the summer exhibition, lecturers and general administration came to £17,093, giving an operating profit of £3375.
In general, the FAS summer exhibition was a success with more visitors and sales than previously, due in part to signposting and a cheaper venue, with a profit of £1018. Art on the Railings continued to be good value and returned a profit even though sales were down. Investments fluctuated due to market conditions. There was more income from workshops this year, counterbalanced by the hall hire and cost of the facilitators.
Overall FAS has maintained a healthy cash position.
1.f. Programme Secretary’s Report
Lisa Bartlett noted that past events had already been covered and listed demonstrations planned from September 2023 to September 2024. These included Zoom demos from Tom Shepherd, Peter Keegan, a demo from Judith Matthews, the first of the year at St Joan’s, and life drawing in June. She added that she hoped to arrange some outdoor painting days. The deadline for the Summer Exhibition was March 1 and it was agreed to send another reminder to members. Diana Snow said that she could not complete pdf forms on her Ipad but it was agreed that the form went out as both pdf and a Word document.
Constitutional Changes
There were no constitutional changes.
Election of Committee:
3.a. Chairman: there were no nominations for Chairman. Jan Hamilton was reappointed.
3.b. Vice Chairman (vacant): there were no nominations for the post.
3.c. Honorary Treasurer: Chris Hall was reappointed.
3.d. Honorary Secretary: Lorraine Mills was reappointed.
3.e. Honorary Membership Secretary: Jan Hamilton introduced Jennifer Bain as the new FAS Honorary Membership secretary. Jennifer was appointed, nominated by Jan Hamilton and seconded by Lisa Bartlett.
3.f. Honorary Exhibitions Coordinator (Vacant): there were no nominations for this post.
3.g. Honorary Programme Secretary: Lisa Bartlett was reappointed.
Any other business
Lisa Bartlett suggested that there was a maximum length of time that committee members should hold a post. Jan Hamilton stated that according to the Consitution it was to be a maximum of 3 years. Due to the lack of nominees coming forward Stewart Dakers suggested a change to the Consitution.
Meeting closed
The meeting was closed.
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