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Saturday 23rd January 2021 - Tom Shepherd hosts a watercolour wildlife demo afternoon via ZOOM - 2.30pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 23, January 2021 | 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM
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Details from Tom..


I'll kick off with a white egret and then an elephant to follow.

There are two elephant photos. I will be using the grey elephant as the main reference but taking lots of the warmer colours from the orangey elephant.

All photos are copyright free, so if anyone wishes to use them they can :) (taken from a copyright free photo website)



  • A3 Cold Press/ NOT paper ( a bit of texture)
  • Selection of brushes - size 10 and size 16 rounds, plus a size 18 mop, maybe a small mop (size 12) - Anyones normal watercolour brushes will be fine
  • Kitchen roll and a big jar of water!!:)
  • Any sort of palette



(along with easily interchangeable alternatives)

It's basically a cool and warm of each primary plus an extra or two. And this will cover both paintings

Basically, whatever colours someone has, will be useable and fine


  • Ultramarine/Cobalt Blue
  • Pthalo Blue (prussian or indigo could work)
  • Pyrole Red (cadmium, napthol, permanent, vermillion - any warm red)
  • Quinacridone Magenta (alizarin crimson or any other magenta, rose etc)
  • New Gamboge Yellow (any warm yellow, indian, cadmiun etc)
  • Aureolin Yellow (lemon or any other cool yellow)

Useful extras, i may or may not use:

  • Yellow Ochre
  • Bright Yellow Orange
  • Aussie Red Gold (daniel smith colour)
  • Turquoise

The Zoom link and images have been sent to members via email.